
  • Name change from CIFP San Jorge LHII to FP Santurtzi

    2024 - 2025

  • Higher Level Vet Cycle of International Trade implemented.

    2019 - 2020

  • Intermediate Level Vet Cycle of Microcomputer Systems and Networks implemented.

    2016 - 2017

  • Higher Level VET Cycle of Characterization and Professional Makeup implemented.

    2014 - 2015

  • Higher Level VET Cycle of Styling and Hairdressing Management implemented.

    2012 - 2013

  • Training Cycle LOE implemented.

    2011 - 2012

  • The only centre of renewable energies in Vizcaya.

    The only one with pilot programme for three year training cycles for the academic year 2007-2008 in Vizcaya.

    Together with the IEFPS Elorrieta they are the only centres with a controlled  high speed Machining centre.

    The number 1 Integrated Vocational training centre in Santander took us as a reference to learn from our management model as an integrated Vocational Training centre.

    Commissioners from a centre in Nicaragua visited us in order to observe our management methods.

    The only centre in Vizcaya chosen by the Department of Education to organize guided visits on renewable energies.


    2006 - 2007

  • We are a reference centre in Vizcaya for AVITEL for the development of technical seminars.

    The only ones with a centre of Entrepeneurs in Vizcaya and the only centre accredited by Unigraphics UGS in Vizcaya.

    Information Centre, Consultancy and Contrast Tests in two Families of DERC.

    2004 - 2005

  • Our centre was selected with some other centres to offer On-line language courses: www.hiru.com.

    The only centre in Vizcaya which has received twice (courses 03-04 and 05-06) the prize to the centre which has done most for Entrepreneurship (fostering of the entrepreneurial culture).

    We were selected alongside with Fadura to carry out the Project ERA: pilot programme of the current system of Assessment and Acknowledgement of the Competence (DERC) on the Left Bank.

    We celebrated our 25th anniversary and inaugurated our Videoconference room.


    2003 - 2004

  • First State school in Vizcaya certified to offer and give courses of legionellosis.

    The Kz Gunea in Santurce was located in our centre as a service for all the citizens in Santurce.

    San Jorge was one of the pioneers in developing  Urratsbat program.

    2001 - 2002

  • The Education Councillor gave us an acknowledgement plaque for the quality of our Management.

    2000 - 2001

  • We obtained the calification of Specific Institute of Higher Vocational and Educational Training (IEFPS).

    1998 - 1999


    1997 - 1998

  • We were selected  by the Basque Government Work Department as the only centre in Vizcaya to carry out the SAIL (system of facilitation in employability).

    1995 - 1996

  • We are acknowledged as an entity for the training of authorized professionals in the areas of Low Voltage Electrical Installer , Refrigeration Installer and Refrigeration Technician in Vizcaya.

    1994 - 1995

  • We offer seven areas in both Intermediate and Higher Level Vocational Education and Training: Tooling and Moulds, Power Lines and Electrical Installations, Industrial Electronics, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Installations, Automotive Mechanics and Electricity, Analysis and Basic processes and Hairdressing.

    Implementation of REM (Secondary Education Reform).

    1984 - 1985

  • We started our training  in 1978-79, with the studies of Mechanics and Electricity.

    1978- 1979