Certifications and Acknowledgements

From the very beginning, Santurtzi VET on excellence in management as we understood that it affected directly our students’ education and training , and improved the relationships of all school members ( families, teachers, companies…) All in all, it has meant an effort awarded with different acknowledgements and certifications.

  • Quality management ISO 9001, since 2001.
  • Environmental management ISO 14001, since 2010.
  • Q- quality award in efqm excellence award, since 2007.


Itelazpi awarded student Javier Rojo from  CIFP San Jorge with a prize of 500 euros for his project on  a design for mobility communications systems, developed with MESH technology.

Students of Middle level VET cycle in Motor Vehicles Electromechanics won EUSKELEC 2019 championship held in Donostia.

Ikasempresa IKASTARTE S.L.  , created by students of the second year of  Analysis and Quality Control Laboratory , was awarded with the prize of BEST BUSINESS IDEA, granted by TKNIKA.

P. Calvo Mena , student of the second year of Styling and Hairdressing Management won the prize ENPRESARI with a video about businesses ideas consisting on a project of a Hairdressing and Beauty Salon called IRUDI which fosters the inclusion and standarisation of people with functional diversity.